About Me

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Rayne, Louisiana
You've got to be kidding me, I have Breast Cancer? My name is Madelene Boudreaux. I just had my 51st birthday and my present was cancer. Although it wasn't the present I was expecting, I have decided to embrace it as such. My life as it existed is changed. Even though my diagnosis is that I have the most common breast cancer you can have (80% of the women who get breast cancer have this one) and the actual tumor was only 1.2 centimeters and there was only a microscopic spec in one lymph node... things just changed overnight. I feel confident that I will be healed with all the surgery, chemo and radiation, as well as the prayers, the shift in lifestyle and health changes, all of this with God as my Healer overseeing the whole plan. Most importantly, sunsets are more beautiful, my children are more precious and I cry for everything. Such clarity prevails, where life was blurry. I know my healing will come gently through trusted medical professionals, faith in a loving God and prayerful friends. I am surrounded by love with my family of eight kids and a great husband and a community of kind spirits!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Last week of radiation starts tomorrow!

This is it. My last week of radiation starts tomorrow! Am so looking forward to spending time not being concerned about a daily appointment. I am so delighted to call it almost over.
Today was such an awesome day at Mimi and Happy's! We cooked a great Sunday meal, complete with blackberry/peach cobbler cake and blue bell ice cream. The grandbabies were here and as you can see they get VERY LITTLE attention when they are here!!! The weather was perfect, we swam and I got to lay on a raft and just float (my very favorite thing to do) It was the best day I've had in a very long time. I felt like Madelene Boudreaux (with a very short haircut)! Audrey went for her very first swim!
I think Audrey is gonna like the pool alot, but she won't get as good a tan as Evie!! The sunshine wore them out and they both zonked! 
Thank you Jesus for a lovely day! You are an awesome God. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Okay, let's start over!

So now I have seven treatments left! If any one is keeping count, it probably seems as though we are adding treatments instead if subtracting.  Well you are right. I met with a new doctor this week that felt like my radiation treatment has not been aggressive enough! So he added 4 additional treatments to my original plan and increased the dose. At this point, I'd rather be safe than sorry. I'd actually rather be finished and soaking up some real sun rays on the beach. Doesn't look like that'll happen any time soon! When the end got so close I was feeling so glad to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Now I just want OUT of the FRICKIN tunnel!
One of the gifts of my cancer is that it has taught me to slow my pace. Life is not rushing by as quickly as it used to. I guess this very last challenge during my treatment has more lessons in store for me. Meanwhile school is out tomorrow!
Summer time, YEAH!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's taking a long time to get to the end!

For reasons that I don't feel like discussing right now, I am still not finished with radiation and I don't know when I will be finished!!! I am trying to be patient, yet it is getting difficult. I just know that in the very near future my life won't be revolving around my ongoing treatments!! Am still experiencing lots of fatigue in the afternoon, always feel like I need a good nap. TIRED!!! Was planning to try to go on a family beach trip, yet that may not happen or may be delayed. Can't predict when the radiation will be complete! Our family is lost now that American Idol is over. We were such avid fans!! Maddie and Haley are at the beach this week with a friend, Layni finishes school this week on Thursday, so it has been very quiet here lately.
Am feeling a small bit of emotional YUK again! I know it will pass! Patience, patience, Madelene!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


This was such a great day to see Ben graduate. He was so proud and so happy, as were we!!! Following his ceremony we had a lunch in his honor with family  and then in the evening we boiled crawfish! It was a great day. Ben doesn't have a life plan yet. (not surprising cuz he's only 17), but his first move in his first day of the real world was to buy a boat. He got a really good deal on a used bass tracker and used some of his graduation $ from Momo (and Popo)  Popo would surely understand his "need" for a boat! 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Haley and Maddie's Graduation

On Saturday night Maddie came down with a yukky stomach virus and slept most of the day on Sunday, running a little fever and feeling achy. Then on Monday she was still down but managed to get out of bed only long enough for me to hilite her hair in time for graduation on Tuesday. Yesterday morning came and she still felt bad. She couldn't even get up to go to her 7th/ 8th grade passing of the candle and her kindergarten BUDDY GOOD BYE program. She was really sad about that because she didn't want Emma, her little buddy to be sad! She stayed home in bed in hopes of resting up enough to go the graduation. She stayed in bed until it was her turn  for Blair to style her hair, she dressed and made it in time to take a picture with her fellow classmates. As they lined up to proceed into church she said she was okay and I took my seat with the rest of the family. As Haley walked in, smile shining, I sighed a sigh of relief that all was going well, then realized that Maddie was not behind her. I went to the sitting room in the back of church and there she was pale again, asking to please go home and go back to bed. Now as a mother of twins, I have beat myself up many a time, realizing that I can never split myself in two, always sharing time with two totally individual people. There again, they both needed me to show up for them and I did me best to suffice each of them. So Maddie ended up going home to bed while the rest of us stayed at the graduation. I know Maddie has a big heart and understands why we needed to be there for Haley! They both looked stunningly beautiful and all grown up. That 8th grade graduation always strikes an emotional cord with me. It is such a milestone. Yesterday was double the emotion looking at these two beautiful children who are growing up faster than I can believe! They have, in particular, this past year done more than their fair share of growing up emotionally and I thank them for all of their love and support through my less than great year. I hope I was there for them, even if in the smallest ways. 

Please pray!

The very first time I had chemo, I met up with Stephen Prevost in the treatment room. Although it was my first, I am certain it was God knows what  # for Stephen. His encounter with cancer and chemo began long before my diagnosis. I recall that day like it was yesterday. I walked right passed Stephen to pick a chemo chair and as I passed him he was sleeping, I recall him being thin and I remember my heart aching thinking about how this young man had cancer, then as he awakened and opened his eyes Ricky said, "Hi Stephen".  I was very taken back by what the cancer and treatments had done to Stephen's physical appearance. Here was a STRONG, feisty young man with a spirit and heart so big, day after day, giving everything he had to overcome his cancer. The treatments challenged him physically and his determination carried him through some grueling times. Stephen passed away yesterday! I have to believe  that he leaves behind a shining example of courage, faith, strength, hope, and a willingness to live and love in the days God had numbered for him. 
Whenever our grand baby, Elle, passed away, I remember our daughter in law saying to me that she took comfort in her belief that no matter what our purpose or connection to our loved ones was, no matter what we did or didn't do, it was truly God and only God who has numbered our days from the very beginning. I can take comfort in that for my own family. I have always said during my treatments that I was so glad that it was me that was sick  and not one of my children. My prayers for Aileen and Jim, Stephen's parents, are on my heart every minute of each day! They, too have shown strength beyond belief, never outwardly giving up! Words cannot describe our deep sorrow at his passing. Please keep them in your prayers. Thank you all! 

Friday, May 15, 2009

Who does Audrey look like?

For a while we all thought that Audrey looked just like her Papa, Glen, but as she changes more and more, she is starting to look more like the girls in our family. I kept thinking there was a picture of me as a baby that reminded me so much of Audrey. Today I found it and did a side by side comparison and I think she's starting to look just like her Mimi!!! Especially in the eyes... 

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

AMERICAN IDOL Danny's out... that is so sad!

Have loved Danny Gokey from the Get Go! The last  three standing were all good choices. I just loved Danny's kind, soft spirit as well as his singing talent. I guess I can't complain, since I didn't vote!

Delayed again!

Today I found out that my radiation treatments will be delayed for another week because of the renovations at the office that I go to. They have been working around a major renovation, now it will affect the treatment room, so I am, once again, put on hold. I really want this whole ordeal to be over, but if there has to be a hiatus, then now is a good time with all the end of the year activities and graduation ceremonies!  This will make the end of my treatments come on May 29, much later than earlier projected! That makes it end on the last day of school, which means that my treatment has REALLY lasted throughout the whole school year!  I did not ever officially celebrate the last day of chemo but I can bet you one thing, I will "Party like a Rock Star" when this is all over! I did have a treatment today that left me very tired and not feeling well at all. After I took a good long nap I started trying to get the energy to go in the kitchen and make a pot of soup... I was so tired I couldn't make myself get up. Then Ricky got home and checked the freezer and found some of Lila's delicious beef and vegetable soup. It certainly hit the spot on a day when I really needed it! Thanks, Lila!! It was good the first time and the today it was even better! Think I'll just stay curled up in bed and watch American Idol!!  

Evie with Mimi and Gigi!

Got to visit a little with Kristin's mom today. She is in town enjoying every minute with Kristin and Bryan and Evie! I dropped in at their apartment for a quick snuggle with Evie. 
We are excited about Ben's upcoming graduation on Saturday the 23rd! Let's just say Ben has been much less than fond of school for a few years now and is so proud to be finishing this 9 weeks with A's, B's and C's!!  ("I swear mom if you don't believe me you can call the office at school!") Here is one of his senior portraits that Bryan took! It's SOOO Ben!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Layni's DARE graduation

Yesterday, while we were away Layni had her DARE graduation at school and her nanny,  Blanche and Blair and Audrey showed up to show their support. Layni seems so grown up this year. 
Malorie and Tyler pitched in by watching the younger kids for a night while we were away, then the next night they went to Blair and Glen's. It's so nice to leave town knowing that everything you leave behind is being handled so supportively. Thanks guys!
We truly enjoyed our little getaway. 
Am still experiencing some shooting pain through my breast and am letting the burn settle down. Will see Dr. Harwood tomorrow and see when I will resume treatment. Almost there... almost there!

Monday, May 11, 2009

It was a GREAT mother's day!

I so enjoyed Mother's Day. Was surrounded by my kids and my mom spent the day with us. Ricky and the kids cooked a great meal, then he and I were off to Toledo Bend for a little bit of work and some well deserved relaxation. We watched a beautiful sunset and had  a very enjoyable, quiet evening.  Father Buddy will drive to come and meet us today for some much needed quiet time too! It's a little overcast today, but nothing can overshadow the hope in my heart for many more enjoyable peaceful days in my life! I am grateful for having shared another mothers day with my family. I am blessed!
How bout Audrey's bathing suit? She loves animal print just like her Mimi!

Friday, May 8, 2009

My hair, our new grand baby Evie, and Audrey and Aunt Donna

Today I put "concrete" gel in my hair to experiment with my new curls!! I'm adjusting.
These baby pictures were taken at Momo Joyce's on Sunday. 

Thursday, May 7, 2009


These are my EYES before Chemo!!
I would've never thought that eyelashes and eyebrows could be so empowering. I never realized how they really DEFINE your face. When  the eyebrows are gone it's like your eyes aren't complete. And the eyelashes make your eyes stand out, and have character. I remember when Dr. Breaux told me that my cancer was stage 2 and I would need chemo, I was so concerned with the hair loss and my first question was "Will I loose my hair?" and he said he was certain I would. After I paused a minute to fight the tears, I told him, "Well at least I'll still have my pretty blue eyes!"  I later realized that even your eyes look sick when you have chemo. 
Last week I was down to ONE eyelash... NO LIE, ONE!!! It looked ridiculous. But yesterday I noticed all my eyelashes and eyebrows are starting to grow back! Oh happy day! I can soon resume indulging in my mascara addiction. The little hairs are just stubs right now, but soon they will be back to normal. I found myself singing in the car by myself today on the way back from radiation. Not just cuz my lashes and brows are coming back (I'm not that shallow!), but because in small ways, everyday, I am coming back! 

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Can you tell Bryan and Kristin are Evie's parents?

Bryan used his artistic photography talents to create this  very unique picture of Evie.  Red, black and white tend to be their special family colors and Evie will certainly look great in those colors!

Check out more of her pictures on their blog @

Monday, May 4, 2009

I have a Sad face!


I had my visit with the radiology oncologist today. I had a lot of burn discomfort over the weekend and very sharp shooting pains through my breast, but I could manage through the pain, but the doctor says my reaction and burn is a less common reaction than most people have. Mainly because of my  blue eyed, fair complexion... and my German heritage! Don't quite get that one. So I will continue the week of treatment this week and then he recommends I take a week off next week to let my skin "settle down a bit". Although it will be nice to have the week off, (the fatigue sometimes gets the best of me)  I certainly am disappointed about delaying the end. My patience is certainly being tested. The ongoing journey of the treatment of cancer is way more challenging than I would've thought. Meanwhile I must prepare myself to stand up to a very busy and emotional month of May. Happy things will be happening, shifting our family to new experiences, with the twins going to high school and Ben graduating. Life goes on! Thanks be to God!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

And the Winners are...

Elle's Kitchen!

Oh, what fun we had. It was very serious competition!  The food entries were so delicious, some very creative and artistically presented! The Food Network should've been here! Erick (Wendy's husband) took first place in the appetizer category with his tasty and beautifully plated "Cheese in it" Crab Cheesecake. Maddie took second place with her Sun dried tomato Canapes. Third was Mackenzies Grits Toast and Creamy Mushrooms. 
In the dessert category Haley took first place with Pecan Cheesecake Bars, Uncle Mike took second with an interesting Texas themed entry of  "Remember the A la Mode" (Homemade vanilla ice cream with chunks of pecan pie in it, topped with a yummy caramel pecan sauce!!!!!) Third place was Sheila's Fantastic Brownies.
It was so good to gather together. Love the picture of Momo joyce with the 5 little grandbabies. Wish Michael and Kristen's new baby Mick would've been here too! Bryan, Kristin and Evie made it too! New moms nowadays are amazing. They are moving right along! 
I have included our families recipe entries. These are all great for your entertaining pleasure. This is the most fun I've had in a long while! It all seemed like good old NORMAL fun! 
Wish I could blink and radiation would be over... what will normal be like? Almost there!!! 

SunDried Tomato Canapes

 3 packs Phyllo Pastry Shells (in freezer section)
3/4 cup mayo
3/4 cup chopped  sun dried tomatoes
1/2 cup chopped vidalia onion
1/2 cup shredded mozarella
1/2 cup shredded swiss cheese
1/3 cup chopped fresh basil
Tony seasoning to taste
 Top with Crumbled bacon (ready to serve) 
Mix all together and put a teaspoon of mixture in each shell, top with a sprinkle of crumbled bacon  and bake at 350 till cooked and melted. This was delicious!!! 

Pecan Cheesecake Bars
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 1/2 cups firmly packed brown sugar (divided)
1/2 cup softened  butter 
2 cups finely chopped pecans, divided
2 8 ounce cream cheese
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup milk
2 teaspoons vanilla
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1/3 cup butter melted
3 large eggs

preheat oven 350. In medium bowl, mix flour and 3/4 cup brown sugar. Using a pastry cutter or fork cut in butter, then stir in 1/2 cup pecans. Press mixture evenly into a 13x9 pan and bake for 10 minutes. 
In a medium bowl combine cream cheese and white sugar, beat until smooth. Add milk and vanilla, beating until well combined. Pour over cooled crust. Bake for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and cool for 10 minutes. 
In a medium bowl mix 3/4 cup brown, corn syrup, melted butter, and eggs. Stir in 1 1/2 cups pecans. Pour mixture over cream cheese mixture. Bake 40 minutes... until center is set. Yummy 

Layni wanted me to include her recipe too, although it wasn't a finalist it was certainly a WINNER!

Sesame Seed  Drummettes

About 20-25 drummettes
Tony Seasoning
Lemon Pepper
Sesame Seeds
1/4 jar Sweet and sour sauce
 Season drumettes lightly with Tony's and Lemon Pepper. In a bowl mix the bottle of terryaki, and sweet and sour sauce. Pour over the drumettes and let marinate 30 minutes. Place a large piece of heavy duty foil on the grill and wipe with olive  oil or spray with Pam. Place drumettes on the foil and cook for 45 minutes turning drumettes every 15 minutes. Sprinkle with sesame seeds. Finger looking GOOD!! 

Saturday, May 2, 2009

We dedicate today in loving memory of Elle Ava Boudreaux!

In Honor of Elle!

Today, in Elle's memory, our family participated in the MARCH FOR BABIES in Lafayette. Elle was Kristin and Bryan's first baby girl, who was born prematurely, who's brief little life was so precious to all of us. It was a beautiful day and Bryan and Kristin even showed up with 3 day old Evie (Elle's little sister)!! Everyone was so glad to see the new little family! Tonight we will continue the fun with our COOK-OFF called Elle's Kitchen! Everyone is so competitive, it should be interesting, especially if Mike enters something like his "ARMADILLO TERDS" like last year!! This is like our own little Faulk family reunion... 'cept we're missing Billy and Michael this time:(
Will post the cook off results later!!