Glad to bid adieu to 2009! Am so excited about the New Year and all the joy it will bring. Am so ready to focus on my blessings and rejoice in them! During the holidays I really did not stay on my healthy eating track at all, but I am so committed to doing it again, effective tomorrow!!! Will get out the Jack Lalane juicer and get juicing again!
Last night we attended a wonderful engagement couples shower for Blanche and Matt. It was such a nice party and they got so many nice gifts and lots of Christmas ornaments! That was a really neat idea, because next Christmas they will have plenty decorations for their first Christmas tree!
Haley and Maddie go back to school tomorrow, but Layni doesn't go back until Wednesday! Time to get back in the old routine. Bryan will fly out tomorrow to San Antonio to begin his new job! Please keep him in your prayers as he ventures out to new beginnings! I know he will do great! Happy New year to all of you, near and far! Thanks for making last year a little more bearable with all of your prayers.