About Me

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Rayne, Louisiana
You've got to be kidding me, I have Breast Cancer? My name is Madelene Boudreaux. I just had my 51st birthday and my present was cancer. Although it wasn't the present I was expecting, I have decided to embrace it as such. My life as it existed is changed. Even though my diagnosis is that I have the most common breast cancer you can have (80% of the women who get breast cancer have this one) and the actual tumor was only 1.2 centimeters and there was only a microscopic spec in one lymph node... things just changed overnight. I feel confident that I will be healed with all the surgery, chemo and radiation, as well as the prayers, the shift in lifestyle and health changes, all of this with God as my Healer overseeing the whole plan. Most importantly, sunsets are more beautiful, my children are more precious and I cry for everything. Such clarity prevails, where life was blurry. I know my healing will come gently through trusted medical professionals, faith in a loving God and prayerful friends. I am surrounded by love with my family of eight kids and a great husband and a community of kind spirits!

Monday, September 29, 2008

A New Do!!

     I will begin 5 months of Chemo the first week in November  followed by 6 weeks of radiation.  I have about 7 or 8 weeks to enjoy my hair! So I decided to try any hairstyle and/or color I wanted for the next few weeks before it falls out! I had been letting my hair grow for about 2 years and for the first time in my life I had LONG hair. I loved wearing it all kind of different ways. Yesterday Blair cut my hair in this style. So begins my litany of hairdos! When it begins to fall out I will cut it really short and maybe color it BRIGHT PINK! Wouldn't that be wild if it didn't fall out and I'd be stuck with PINK hair?? 
     Today was a good day, got some rest and the pain from the surgery is subsiding. Am allowing myself the rest my body needs! Some much needed quiet time. Am enjoying all the cards, emails, prayers, meals, gifts, love and support. Every word I read touches me deeply. I am so blessed!
"Through the Christ within, I am restored to wholeness."

Only 16 days 'til the Michael Buble' concert in Lafayette. WOO HOO!!


Blanche said...

Nice shirt mom...but dont think you can have your wine yet!
Love ya!

J Pasquier said...

Ok so I'm here in Baton Rouge always thinking about you, and praying, because thats always the best thing to do. But I want to actually, physically, do something ya know? So... The craziest thing happened today. I was reading your blog for the second time today because I love to see how awesome and loving you are! But anyway, so I was reading it again and thinking to myself, "d00d, there has got to be something I can do! I'm only 45 minutes away, blah blah blah..." (My mind wanders so much through the day! Everyday!) Ok... so being a cliche cultured conforming college student, Facebook was, and usually is, open in another window and as soon as I was done checkin out your blog I went back to my facebook and I had a new wall post! The post was from Marques' girlfriend and she asked me to go to her sorority's "Pinktober Fest" and enter the yogurt eating contest so they can "Save the lids to Save lives" I was blown away that in that instant an opportunity, almost perfect for me, was thrown my way! Haha so I'm going to eat all the yogurt I can just for you! I know I know, this was a crazy long comment but dangit I love you and your family so much! And I had to tell you! I love you Aunt Madelene! Thank you for being such an awesome Aunt! Btw...this whole yogurt thing, it's only the least I can do! Anytime there is something else I can do, I will jump on it quicker than you can say Michael Buble! So just let me know! Adios!

Lila Lambert said...

Love your new "do"....keeping you lifted in prayer...

Brooke said...

I LOVE your new haircut! Can't wait to see what comes next!!

Anonymous said...

hey mom...missin you at work(well not technically ..im on lunch break) sooo ...i was thinking, about that hair-do..you know, the PINK one,I figured since I'm your "free spirited" one, I'm definitely going to do it with you!!! Maybe not my entire head but a few streaks...dont know how the "BOSS Man " would like his little Vet Tech playing with dogs with a full head of pink hair hahah. Hey maybe we can even do BEVO haha. I admire you soo much and love you even more !! hope you have a good day

love, Mal

ps i couldnt remember my password so i had to do it under anonymous

ha , like mother like daughter