About Me

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Rayne, Louisiana
You've got to be kidding me, I have Breast Cancer? My name is Madelene Boudreaux. I just had my 51st birthday and my present was cancer. Although it wasn't the present I was expecting, I have decided to embrace it as such. My life as it existed is changed. Even though my diagnosis is that I have the most common breast cancer you can have (80% of the women who get breast cancer have this one) and the actual tumor was only 1.2 centimeters and there was only a microscopic spec in one lymph node... things just changed overnight. I feel confident that I will be healed with all the surgery, chemo and radiation, as well as the prayers, the shift in lifestyle and health changes, all of this with God as my Healer overseeing the whole plan. Most importantly, sunsets are more beautiful, my children are more precious and I cry for everything. Such clarity prevails, where life was blurry. I know my healing will come gently through trusted medical professionals, faith in a loving God and prayerful friends. I am surrounded by love with my family of eight kids and a great husband and a community of kind spirits!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Another Super Weekend On Tap!

     Tomorrow, on Friday, we will make one more trip to Toledo Bend to the lake house. We need to deliver some outdoor furniture for the front porch. So, this time we will bring my mom so she can see this great place we've been going on and on about. I know it will be bitter sweet for her, because she and Dad had a camp there years ago and some of there best memories were created there. Sheila is also coming so we can bring mom to see her old camp and visit the little town that she and dad used to enjoy going to. Mom was adamant about getting to fish this weekend, so Ricky was busy all afternoon getting fishing rod and reels ready. 
     This trip will be great.... am feeling really good and will enjoy all the beautiful surroundings and come home ready to start my treatment which begins on Tuesday! At this point, I feel like the sooner we start the sooner I'll be finished! Or like a friend of mine's mom used to say,"Let's go, so we can come back!"   So I guess I'm ready to rock and roll.
     Today I had a wonderful massage (a birthday gift from my sisters). As I lay there, completely relaxed, listening to the gentle sound of water, first like waves , then like water tapping on the bottom of a boat, which then led into the sound of water trickling down a stream, I could picture Jesus there with me teaching me to be in the moment and feel the gentle rhythms of the water,  and as I had some fear creep in about all that is up and coming I felt Him assure me that He would  never leave me and he would give me all the strength I will need and he will send to me the right people at the right time to walk me through this journey,  just as he has in the last few weeks. That was truly the best massage I have ever had. 
      I was saying the other day how  a line in Michael Buble's song, LOST, resonates so deeply in my heart... it says, "I hardly recognize the girl you are today and God I hope it's not too late. You are not alone and I am here with you."...
 And really whenever I look in the mirror I don't really recognize myself, because everything seems different and changed, not really in a bad way,  but just not the same. It's a little scary, but I do feel that I'm not alone, God is with me and my family and friends make the journey easier. My heart is different, it is "a new",  in a tender good way! Soon it will feel familiar and comfortable again.   
       Please continue to pray for me as the first chemo day gets closer. And know that I pray for each of you everyday for your own intentions and your own personal journeys. We all need each other, don't we?  My niece, Monique's baby is due any day now so keep her in your prayers too! This will start a series of  SIX new babies that our family will be blessed with in the next few months! So many good things happening, how could we possibly stay stuck in the yuk? 
God Bless.... Madelene

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become a new."
2 Corinthians 5:17

Sunday, October 26, 2008


        What a great time we had celebrating my sister, Sheila's birthday on Saturday. All thanks to Angie, who had it all together from "bobbing for apples" all the way to, GET THIS, "pin the accessories on Aunt Sheila!!" And Momo Joyce and Pizza Hut furnished the supper! As you can see it was not just the kids who had all the fun. We laughed a lot and  enjoyed seeing the kids have some good old fashioned fun at a  harvest/Halloween party. 
    For the first time in a while I spent a few hours not even thinking about breast cancer.  I love spending time with my sisters, sad Donna wasn't there! And the little kids are such a HOOT to watch. Am looking forward to watching grandbabies of my own very soon!

"Oh, the joy of those who trust the Lord!"
Psalm 40: 4

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Feeling better and facing reality!

     I am just gonna be as real as I can be with my words today. I finally feel so much better. I actually slept through the night all night last night and when we woke up, Ricky said thank you. Not like I had any control over that but he deserved a good night's sleep too! I still have some energy issues but yesterday I was able to start walking again and that felt good and I have been working in small increments and that too is working out well. My clients are so understanding and flexible, I am blessed to work the way I do. 
     I have an appointment with the oncologist on Wednesday and am feeling anxious about the treatment plan. I have tried not to overload myself with unnecessary info from the internet, so that I don't begin to dwell on what it "might" be like. Chemo (a word I am not fond of) will be once every other week for 8 weeks and then once a week for 12 weeks, followed by daily radiation for 6 weeks! I have had many people tell me that they functioned just fine during their treatments and others who were very challenged physically. Each case is so different. I do know I will value your prayers and support during this time as I have during the last few weeks. I am hoping to feel good especially for Thanksgiving and Christmas to enjoy my family and be able to keep up! Only time will tell and I do know that the end result, no matter how difficult the journey, will be great. For the moment, I am delighted to be feeling good and have enjoyed doing normal things. Maddie and Haley are in the league 8th grade  volleyball tournament this weekend as well as Layni in the 5th... playing in different towns so Ricky and I  are splitting the games up and right now I am taking a rest. They are all super players and are excited to be in the playoffs. 
      I hope to continue to be able to see most of their games, (they will start basketball as soon as volleyball is over). They are very understanding and know that some days I may not feel so great. They are embracing the lessons of life as  we go through this experience together. They are such GIVERS and they are always concerned about my comfort and well being. 
     Lately when I was feeling so exhausted and the drain was giving me fits, for the first time ever in my whole life I had some depression. The kind that won't allow you to smile and you don't even want to! And when people say "How are you?" you can't even fake it and say"Okay!"
But the lesson in that is just learning to be real and accept that "It is what it is!" And thankfully inevitably it passes and then you have some really good days! I am so grateful for the good days. Sometimes I wake up abruptly in the night and get consumed with a wave of huge, anxious, fear and I have to dig deep inside to rally out of it with prayer so intense that it must just wear Jesus out! But he carries me through and my faith gets restored and I know I am being healed and I thank Him for that. I thank Him, too, for the enlightening experiences that come with the cancer that bring me closer to those I love  and  my appreciation for life gets more and more magnified.... these are the true gifts of the cancer! And I am blessed to receive them!
    Today is Sheila's (my sister) birthday, so Angie(my sister) is putting together a "HARVEST  THEMED PARTY" at mom's. So I guess we'll bob for apples and have a fun time tonight. Love to all... PEACE OUT!

"The harvest is plenty, but the laborers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send out more workers in the field."
Matthew 9:37-38

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Think Pink Day for Miles Perret Center

     First things first, THE DRAIN IS GONE, Thank you Jesus!!! Am so relieved to be able to move more freely. We now pray that my body knows what to do with the lymphatic fluid that was going into the drain. 
     Pink Day at Rayne Catholic was awesome. The kids all paid fifty cents and could dress in pink and all the proceeds went to the Miles Perret Center in Lafayette.  Our little school is the best and they always step up to serve our surrounding community. Thank you to Mr. Menard, our principal and to Kristina Lavergne who did a fine job of putting it all together. Kristina did a great job of explaining to the kids what the Miles Perret Center is all about and how the center serves those in our area who have are fighting and surviving cancer, with care and compassion. During the morning assembly the students gathered to pray for any loved one who has been affected by cancer. Then later in the day  each class was treated to a variety of Pink snacks. It was all beautifully inspiring! Our children are very spiritually grounded, because of the giving heart of our school!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Weekend Re-TREAT with my girlfriends

     Here is a slideshow from my very relaxing weekend at a beautiful lakehouse at Toledo Bend with some of my great friends. Thanks Melba and Ronnie for the privilege of staying there, it was awesome! I was so proud to show off this beautiful home that was such fun to decorate.             Great food, Great wine, Great weather and Great company! I was well taken care of. Wasn't feeling exactly up to par, but gave it my best shot. My friends made me laugh and lifted me in prayer and what started out to be just a girly weekend, ended up being a deep spiritual retreat. I guess when you are surrounded with friends that love you and the beauty of Mother Earth, the Holy Spirit can't help but show up. I was reminded of the power of prayer and the importance of love and support from those that love me. I need all of you to know how thankful I am for your constant prayer. Some days I feel so anxious, and I am certain it is your prayers that lift me out of the valleys. 
     Am planning to see  Doctor Breaux  tomorrow to see if he can figure out what to do about this lingering drain issue. I was hoping to have some peaceful, pain-free days before I start my chemo. So lets all be in agreement in prayer that I will be blessed with that real soon. 
    Ricky was so adamant about me getting away and enjoying myself and of course while I was away, he had everything completely under control with the kids. It is through his love and support and encouragement that I am able to cope each day. I have always known that he loves me, and that I love him.... but there has been a renewed sense of devotion between the two of us that can't really be measured, a true reflection of the "in sickness and in health" vows we took so many years ago. I am in awe of his affection for me and love him more and more each day. I have never had so many tears of joy! I am so blessed. Enjoy the slideshow, we had such a great time. Tomorrow is our THINK PINK day at school! Will try to take pictures to post!

"For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them."
Matthew18: 19-20


Friday, October 17, 2008

Headed to Toledo Bend

Going away for the weekend to relax and have some quiet/fun time. Wish I could leave the drain at home and be comfortable on this little vacation. Am getting very tired and restless, hope I can enjoy myself in spite of the discomfort. Will certainly take it easy and chill! Will post on Monday once I'm home and settled. I will be surrounded by friends who love me and will be great nurses! God bless and have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Never had so much fun in one night!!

So here we are at THE MICHAEL BUBLE CONCERT!! Blanche Boudreaux,( my daughter) Me, Kathy Reed, Cheryl Guidry, Brooke LeLeux, and Kristin Boudreaux(my daughter in law)  So here's the story, first we went to Zea's to eat and it was so delicious. While we were eating I told the girls how I wanted "Mr. Buble" to know how much I loved his song "LOST" and how the words and melody were such a comfort to me during these last few weeks, so with Blanche's approval, (I didn't want to embarrass her) I wrote Michael a note and Brooke volunteered to figure a way to  get it to him back stage. Then on to the concert. We older girls had 4th row seats and the young girls were up in the nosebleed section, so we all took a pic together down by our seats and while we were taking our picture this big guy jumps in with us to be in our picture and he has a name taggy thingy on, so we're thinkin he's like a sound guy or something. Turns out he's in the band! So we tell him of our plot to get the note to Michael and he says let me see what I can do. So I guess for the first time, having cancer worked out on my behalf!! Then he comes back and says to me "How about you give Michael the note yourself, here are 4 backstage passes to his after party, please join us!" Yes, you heard me, BACKSTAGE with Michael Buble'! Well if any one is up on their math you can count there were 6 of us and only 4 backstage passes, so my two sweet friends graciously bowed out and the young girls and I got the passes!  So, our 4th row seats were so awesome, we were so close we could see the perspiration drops on his forehead... if he would've farted we would have smelled it! LOL He was ever so entertaining, certainly the best concert any of us had ever seen. The "after party" turns out to be a handpicked selection of "girls only" that get to visit backstage with the band, one criteria, NO PICTURES OR AUTOGRAPHS!!! So you'll just have to take my word for it that we really were backstage.  We did get a few pictures in the corridor with some of the band and then got to shake Michael's hand and say hello. He was all freshly showered and in his t-shirt and as Blanche describes it, she didn't want to wash her hand for fear of washing away the lingering smell of his yummy cologne!  All in all it was  great fun, a wonderful distraction from the stresses of the last few weeks. When I finally pooped out, Blanche and Brooke returned to the after party til the band members loaded the bus. They had fun visiting with the guys and found out that the basic criteria for gettin a backstage pass is GOOD LOOKS... now I guess you could add breast cancer to that too! Oh what fun we had!! 

"Well done, thou good and faithful servant.... enter thou into the joy of thy lord."
Matthew 25:21

Now I'm looking forward to Friday to our Toledo Bend Trip!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Gettin "Wiggy wid it!!"

Today Blair and I went to the Miles Perret Center for my first consultation as a cancer patient. What wonderful people they have their to help make your cancer journey  lighter. Remember I said I didn't think I wanted to call this a battle or a fight.  Today I decided to call it a dance! We had fun making the best of trying on wigs. Thought you might enjoy some of the pics located in the right hand column. Am giving much prayer to volunteering at the center. God is always calling us to new things. Every service they offer is of no charge to the patient. How awesome is that?
Today we also went to Babies R Us for Blair to register for her baby shower. Can't wait to start spoiling little Baby Audrey and Little Baby ? (Bryan and Kristin's yet to be ultrasounded)

"Nevertheless, that time of darkness and despair will not go on forever."

Tomorrow is the BIG DAY>>>>for Michael Buble!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Longest Day: tears, resting and hope!

     Okay, I'll be the first to admit that I am totally obsessing about getting this drain out. I really thought it would be gone by now, because the average time to keep them is 7 - 10 days. I'm going on 17  days and I am getting ever so antsy. My body must be in lymphatic fluid overload!!! I thought that maybe if I just laid in bed and rested all day that my body would adjust and slow down the drainage. NOT!! It actually doubled instead of decreased! 
      So in an effort to regroup, after crying a lot of the day,  I decided to focus on what is right with the rest of my world. Our community of friends and family have been so generous with delicious, wonderful meals now for almost 3 weeks, the weather is superb, I felt good enough to go to mass on Saturday, Layni's volleyball team won their tournament and they are 18-0 in their season, Ben gave me a great big hug today, my house is clean today because my wonderful husband water mopped, vacuumed and did laundry, I got to talk to my sweet little grand niece, Bella, and she told me she loved me,  Malorie and Tyler won the $1000 grand prize given away at the Rayne Catholic Auction, my kids that live at home are all gathered around my bedroom playing a game and watching TV with us, I am getting stronger everyday,  and that crying that I did actually made me feel better. 
     Okay, tomorrow is a new day, and THIS TOO SHALL PASS!  Soon I will get my GROOVE back. Peace out everyone!
"In thy presence is fullness of joy; at the right hand there are pleasures for evermore."
Psalm 16:11

OH YES! 2 days til MICHAEL BUBLE'!!!  I know I will feel better by Tuesday! (yes, I do know how cheesey it is too count down the days, but  I've found such pleasure in his music, it just seems like the right thing to do is to be cheesey!)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Remembering Elle

Today, October the 10, would've been our little grandbaby, Elle Ava's, first birthday. She was born prematurely and lived for only a few short days. She was the most beautiful baby I have ever seen (and I've had some pretty beautiful babies myself). The day that I (Mimi) was first able to touch her, I felt, yes, truly felt the warmth of God's love radiating from her tiny little body into my hand permeating to the core of my soul. I can recall that feeling like it was yesterday and often bring myself to that precious moment in time when I need to feel God and Elle's presence. The photo I have included comforts me knowing that our precious baby girl is in the loving arms of our Heavenly Father, being taught the supreme power of prayer. I know she is watching over her Mimi, asking God to shower us with the grace we need as a family as we journey through this thing called LIFE! 
     Today, through much prayer, we have decided to ask each of you that participate in our THINK PINK  day on OCTOBER 21, to make your kind donations to The Miles Perret Center in Lafayette, LA. Please  scroll down and check the think pink blog post for more information. You can send your donations to me at 5372 Standard Mill Road Rayne, LA 70578 and I will gladly forward them to the Center. Thank you. 

"Draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you."  James 4:8

Only 4 days til Micahel Buble' sings to me on the 4th row of the Cajun dome!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Starting to feel "Normal"

     Today I went to Dr. Breaux's office (the surgeon) to check on my drain tube AGAIN!!!! My sweet little P. A., Jill said she totally agreed that a drain under your armpit really does SUCK!! But she also said to hang on cuz soon they could take it out. WOO HOO!!! 
    Ricky has still been so awesome and patient with me. So today after my appointment when I asked if we could "shop a while" he of course said YES DEAR!!! So on to BEVO's (saved him some $) we went and I found the cutest dress to wear to the Michael Buble' concert next week. So I am set to go for a girl's night out. And next weekend is my trip to a beautiful lakehouse at Toledo Bend with a few more friends. Life, today is great, thanks be to God! 
     I made a new friend over the phone today, someone else just recently diagnosed with the same cancer as me (and thousands of other women). There is so much we are facing that is unknown to us, yet with the continued love and prayers from all of you, we are carried and filled with grace. Right now prayer is the most powerful thing (besides God) in my life!! I never really KNEW the power of prayer. Just really, really grasp and believe the scripture He sent me today!!
 "Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my victorious right hand."
Isaiah 41: 10

Only 7 days til the Michael Buble' concert!

Monday, October 6, 2008

A new Hairdo and I'm so tired!

I just read something I wrote down last week, "KEEP YOUR FOCUS ON YOUR LIFE, NOT YOUR CANCER!" I needed that reminder today. I still haven't been able to remove the very uncomfortable drain because I still have too much still draining into the pouch. It is making for a few sleepless nights and I am TIRED!!! 
     I got another new hairdo on Saturday, experimented with some blonde and auburn hilights. Here I am with Blanche on the left and Blair on the right. Everyone loves laying in bed with mom! They make me smile!!! Please read my updated THINK PINK DAY BLOG post down below!!

"He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases...He fills my life with good things."
Psalm 103:3 &

 Wow! Only 8 days til the Michael Buble' Concert!

Friday, October 3, 2008

I believe there are Angels among us!

This morning was not going so great. I had a very restless night because the tube attaching my drain pouch to the surgery area under my arm was beginning to come loose and was very uncomfortable and irritating! That is putting it mildly, it just ******** (whatever curse word you want to use) HURT!!!  My sister, Angie, the one pictured right above this (older and shorter than me!) was in town for a quick visit and was planning to take me to lunch. When she walked in my bedroom I began to cry because I knew if anyone would understand, she would, because she had breast cancer and a lumpectomy 5 years ago! Much to my surprise, right behind her was our long, lost cousin who is a nurse, (happened to be in town on family business)  They both immediately comforted me and Susan, the nurse cousin in the top picture, who just happens to work at a cancer hospital in Oklahoma, fixed up my tube so that I could be comfortable again. And there, once again, the God that I know and trust sent me angels to give me hope, on a day that seemed hopeless. How does He do that, how does he magically respond when we call out His name. More and more deeply I come to love and trust that our God is an awesome God! By the way, Angie just had her checkup and is 5 years cancer free, just like I will be in five years too!

"But angels are only servants. They are spirits sent from God to care for those who will receive salvation."
Hebrews 1:14

Only 12 days til the Michael Buble' concert!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


On Tuesday, October the 21st, my children's school, Rayne Catholic Elementary, will sponsor a "Think Pink Day".  Any student wearing  pink that day,  will make a donation that will benefit 
the Miles Perret center, which focuses on helping those in our area cope with their cancer. I am inviting all of you that follow this blog to participate in some way on with our efforts to make a difference.  If you are in a work place or school, then encourage your co-workers to participate too. Get creative and have fun with the pink theme, while your efforts give HOPE to so many. If  you do not work, then maybe you can forward  this blog to someone who could implement this idea in their workplace. Please leave a comment and let me know how you plan to participate. Try to email me pictures of your "Think Pink" day so that we can use some on this blog!!  Our united efforts will make a difference for someone you love!?

Madelene Boudreaux
5372 Standard Mill Road
Rayne, LA 70578

"Let us hold fast the confession of our HOPE without wavering, for He who promised is faithful."  
Hebrews 10:23

Only 13 days 'til the Michael Buble' concert!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

IT'S A NEW DAWN IT'S A NEW DAY (as michael buble' would say)

Had a great checkup today with the surgeon. Lab report stated no cancer in the additional 15 nodes removed and margin around the lumpectomy was CLEAR!!  Alleluia, thank you JESUS!! Will still have to go through Chemo and radiation, but that is okay. I can do it!

Tonight, my nephew, John, will participate in a yogurt eating contest at the "PINKTOBERFEST " at LSU! A Sorority is sponsoring this "SAVE THE LIDS AND SAVE LIVES" contest. So good luck to John, we'll be sure and post his picture and let you know how he does. Please read his sweet comment on the blog. Everything that everyone does is so helpful to so many women facing breast cancer. Thanks to all of you!

"Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them and you will have them."
Mark 11:24

Only 14 days til Michael Buble' concert!