This trip will be great.... am feeling really good and will enjoy all the beautiful surroundings and come home ready to start my treatment which begins on Tuesday! At this point, I feel like the sooner we start the sooner I'll be finished! Or like a friend of mine's mom used to say,"Let's go, so we can come back!" So I guess I'm ready to rock and roll.
Today I had a wonderful massage (a birthday gift from my sisters). As I lay there, completely relaxed, listening to the gentle sound of water, first like waves , then like water tapping on the bottom of a boat, which then led into the sound of water trickling down a stream, I could picture Jesus there with me teaching me to be in the moment and feel the gentle rhythms of the water, and as I had some fear creep in about all that is up and coming I felt Him assure me that He would never leave me and he would give me all the strength I will need and he will send to me the right people at the right time to walk me through this journey, just as he has in the last few weeks. That was truly the best massage I have ever had.
I was saying the other day how a line in Michael Buble's song, LOST, resonates so deeply in my heart... it says, "I hardly recognize the girl you are today and God I hope it's not too late. You are not alone and I am here with you."...
And really whenever I look in the mirror I don't really recognize myself, because everything seems different and changed, not really in a bad way, but just not the same. It's a little scary, but I do feel that I'm not alone, God is with me and my family and friends make the journey easier. My heart is different, it is "a new", in a tender good way! Soon it will feel familiar and comfortable again.
Please continue to pray for me as the first chemo day gets closer. And know that I pray for each of you everyday for your own intentions and your own personal journeys. We all need each other, don't we? My niece, Monique's baby is due any day now so keep her in your prayers too! This will start a series of SIX new babies that our family will be blessed with in the next few months! So many good things happening, how could we possibly stay stuck in the yuk?
God Bless.... Madelene
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become a new."
2 Corinthians 5:17
Amen! Amen! Amen! to ALL of what you said!!!
I will miss being with all of you again, but will be home happily waiting for the first of the 6 blessings!
Tell Mama that I hope she can find water high enough to fish in.....and tell Daddy I said hi!!!
Love you all sooooooo much!
I hope your weekend was peaceful and happy! I wish I could hug you on Tuesday but I will be able to do that soon enough.
Thank you for your prayers! and I will keep praying for you as I do everyday!
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