After you read this be sure to listen to and watch the you tube Stupid Boy video on the right!
I can think of a million bad things to say to Ricky today! (All in jest, of course) Let's start with the Keith Urban Song, STUPID BOY!... or how bout my grandpa's favorite, "If you don't have something nice to say then just don't say it at all." or my Dad's favorite, "Just shut up and drink your beer!" or maybe Just the plain old WWJD? ... It all started day before yesterday after a very emotionally exhausting day...
I had this conversation with my dear friend Kathy, as we left the funeral home for the second time in one day, having visited 2 different families in grief over the death of a loved one. When I dropped her at her house, we both commented that it was time for some joy in our lives. (which God has certainly sent to me with my new grand baby) But, you know, the kind of joy that we get in normal everyday life when things are going smoothly and there is no big "Story" unfolding that you have to cope with. I remember when life was like that and we were blissfully ignorant about life sufferings! Ahh! Those were the days! I commented that it had been a while since I just went leisurely shopping for a something to cheer me up! Like a "happy' little shirt or something fun to wear that represents the old playful pre cancer Madelene. We both agreed that a fun little shopping trip should help cheer me up! So yesterday, after my visit at the Miles Perret Center I decided to give it a try. I went to one store and found not one, but TWO HAPPY SHIRTS! I was so excited. So this morning (chemo day) I decided to wear one of those Happy Shirts! I was getting ready in the bathroom, had on my makeup, my jeans, and my new HAPPY SHIRT all tucked in with a belt and my high heel black boots! I was looking like the old sassy me! (note: I didn't have my wig on yet, so occasionally that looks a little "transvestdite-ish"!!) But today seemed to be an exception, even without the wig I thought I was looking pretty damn good! Don't worry, the vanity faded quickly when I met up with my husband and he made the biggest mistake of his life simply by opening his mouth.
So here is what the man I have been bragging about all these months said.... As I walked into the bedroom to help make the bed, ( a ritual we do every morning right before he leaves for work), he looked across the bed and said **(it is hard for me to type this because it is the stupidest thing he has ever said)*** ... "You know who you look like?" and I was thinking in my head surely he is going to say DEMI MOORE in GI JANE!!! Because she is the hottest bald headed lady anyone has ever seen!!! but I very reservedly answer him by saying, "NO, who do I look like?" And he says...."You look like Barack OBAMA!!!" And I'm thinking in my head in a very cocky "HEAD VOICE" " with an attitude..."Oh no, He didn't!!" But, yes he did say it and that my friends led to him chasing at my boot heels all day trying to make up to me either with false promises of things he can't come through with or trying to make light of his verbal mishap by switching it to "BARACK O"MAMA!" All of this has very little to do with my political thoughts on OBAMA, which I never want to get into on this blog, but just the fact that my husband picked an UGLY, big eared, shaved-buzzed head man to compare me to was by far the biggest mistake of his life. He is definitely fumbling through the make up time. So I gather up what little is left of my self esteem and go to my 12th chemo treatment!
As I walked toward the oncology office in front of him for chemo today he is walking behind me and says in a groveling effort to makeup to me... "Damn, you look so good. Looks like you need to go on a date!!" And I'm thinking no date in the world can make up for your stupidity today, buddy boy! ...meanwhile in my head I dream up the perfect "MAKE UP TO MADELENE DATE". It goes like this.. A private Keith Urban concert for the two of us in NAPA VALLEY, complete with a wonderful meal, overlooking an orchard, sipping the best wine money can buy, followed by the most luscious cheesecake ever and Keith Urban would dedicate his first song to RIcky and it would of course be, "STUPID BOY"!! Now wouldn't that be the best date ever?
PS I still love him dearly...as he just walked in the bedroom to bring me a chocolate bar and cookies!! And when I sat down today for my chemo, Sara, one of the sweet little nurses, says to me that she loves my shirt. BOOYA, Ricky! I LOOK GOOD IN MY SHIRT!!! (another twist on a Keith Urban song!)