What a glorious day! A glorious, LONG, day! Blair rested well last night with a mild slow induction, then this morning at 5 o'clock she was given a Pitocin drip that really kicked her into labor. She progressed quickly with no complications, had an epidural and at 12:39 she delivered Audrey. She weighed 8 lbs. 10 oz. and she looks VERY much like her Daddy. She and her mom are both doing well. The new little mom went through this like WONDER WOMAN. Audrey has already figured out how to nurse and had no problems eating. She was wide eyed, especially when her mom or dad would talk to her. She certainly recognized their voices.
What a blessing to witness the miracle of God's wondrous works! Blanche (her nanny) and Glen and I were all able to stay in for the birth. Such an awesome experience!
I was able to go to the hospital at 5 this morning and held up all day. I am so glad that her birth came on a day when I wasn't so consumed with chemo. That was perfect. Thank you God for that special blessing.
Blair and Glen are going to be wonderful parents. When I looked up at Glen, the moment Audrey was born I saw the most wonderful father. I saw a man fall in love with his daughter the minute she began to breathe! The look in his eyes reminded me of the look in Tyler's eyes when he saw Malorie walking down the aisle at their wedding. These are the bright moments we must cling to when the other things in life take our focus away from God's goodness. For today we will relish in the gift of life and its abundant blessings. I will be forever grateful for this spectacular day.
And we get to see another beautiful baby girl in April when Kristin and Bryan have Evangelene. Wow, we are so blessed! What's that country song by George Strait? "I saw God Today!" Mimi and Happy are so HAPPY!
Beautiful baby girl! Beautiful Day! Can't wait to hold her!! Will see y'all this weekend!
Shha, she is precious. Can't wait to give that baby some lovin when she starts at my daycare. God bless all of you and I will keep you all in my prayers
She looks just like her daddy!!! Congrats Madeline,you and Ricky will be awesome grandparents
Call me crazy, but I do see something of Blair in sweet Audrey Lane! It's all about the hair! Congrats to the new parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and don't forget the great-aunts, great-uncles, and GREAT-grandmothers! We can't wait to meet her. She had better start wearing some of those pretty pink clothes she got before they no longer fit! How tall is she? No one mentioned her length . . . only her weight! Love, Great-Aunt Angie
Jax can't wait to meet her!
God is so-o-o- good....gorgeous and so precious I could almost smell the beautiful newborn scent from here...nothing like it, huh, Mimi???? Congratulations is too small a word for such an awesome blessing!!!!
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