The other day, Sheila, my sister, invited me to go with her and a friend to have a Detox Foot bath. I was not at all skeptical about doing something like this, because I am so engaged in natural ways to help my body heal. The whole idea is to use ionized water to detoxify the body. It couldn't be any worse than poisoning my body with the chemo or exposing my breast to 33 consecutive days of radiation. I am at a peaceful place with all of my medical decisions and it feels good to be back on track from a natural approach.
We all went together and Sheila and Jenny went first. The water starts out clear and as you soak the toxins that are excreted from your body change the coloration of the water, each person's unique issues creates a different result. The pictures I included clearly show how different each of our end results were. I could even smell the toxic smell of my chemo in the water. In the pictures my foot bath is the one that turned dark brown, Sheila's turned dark green and Jenny's was kinda orange. Mine was significant of liver detoxing. Weird, huh?
I have decided to invest in the detox foot bath system and offer it as a service in the salon. I will continue to detox after my radiation is complete. I have started a wide range of immune building supplements and am getting stronger everyday! Just a little tired now and then.
Radiation is going okay, painless in a physical sense. I haven't posted pictures of my radiation sessions because they would be R rated. I thought having 8 babies would've broken me of any modesty issues, but exposing my breast everyday for 33 days is certainly not that much fun. But we gotta do what we gotta do! This too, shall pass!
P.S. Don't get too grossed out with the detox pictures! I should get the footbath gizmo in in a few days, if anyone is interested!
That's kinda scary looking. Looks like jumper cables. lol
I wanna try! I'm glad you are feeling better these days =)
wow! i've heard of that, but never done it! maybe i'll have to come on over to try it out.
hugs & strength & continued prayers to you.
My uncle has brain cancer, he has had all the surgeries his body can handle. He went last week to a place that does the foot detox. The same thing happen to his water it turned black, smelled bad and it had sometype slug in it. How do you feel now? Do you think its real? They are doing a whole body detox next week. I commend you on your fight. God Bless.
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