About Me

My photo
Rayne, Louisiana
You've got to be kidding me, I have Breast Cancer? My name is Madelene Boudreaux. I just had my 51st birthday and my present was cancer. Although it wasn't the present I was expecting, I have decided to embrace it as such. My life as it existed is changed. Even though my diagnosis is that I have the most common breast cancer you can have (80% of the women who get breast cancer have this one) and the actual tumor was only 1.2 centimeters and there was only a microscopic spec in one lymph node... things just changed overnight. I feel confident that I will be healed with all the surgery, chemo and radiation, as well as the prayers, the shift in lifestyle and health changes, all of this with God as my Healer overseeing the whole plan. Most importantly, sunsets are more beautiful, my children are more precious and I cry for everything. Such clarity prevails, where life was blurry. I know my healing will come gently through trusted medical professionals, faith in a loving God and prayerful friends. I am surrounded by love with my family of eight kids and a great husband and a community of kind spirits!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Making Progress!

We were at Toledo Bend for Easter and I distinctly remember how fatigued I was. When we went to the Easter services I could hardly walk from the car to the church doors without getting exhausted. I couldn't even imagine ever being strong again. But this weekend I rustled up some courage and I went TUBING on the lake! It was really fun and although it wore me out, I thoroughly enjoyed doing something fun for a change! I think the kids were shocked that I would even try to tube. As you can tell from the picture the kids can't wait to go "jump in the lake"!
I can't say that I am as strong emotionally as I am physically. I have a hard time relaxing and can't seem to find the inner strength I am longing for. I guess I am basically just coping, and I am forgetting to breathe, you know, that conscious cleansing breath that says you trust the world. I am staying in prayer and asking God to help carry me through as he always has! And I know he will.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Malorie's Birthday Party!

Tonight we celebrated Mal's birthday. It's so nice to be celebrating things again. We had Shrimp etouffee and a delicious Pina Colada cake for dessert. It was a great evening. Blair found this really cute bottle of wine for Malorie, so fitting. Malorie is my one child whose style is certainly all her own, a mixture of vintage/eclectic/ hippie/gypsy. Her happy spirit shines through and her clothes are always a reflection of her creative flow of energy! She has also commented on more than one occasion that she was the smack in the "MiDDLE" child, placed somewhere between the older kids and the younger kids, so this cute little wine label was perfect for her! And she loved it and we love her! Happy Birthday Mal, we love you big as the sky! You are forever cool!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Old family videos!

Today the girls were watching old family videos (this one was from about 9 years ago) and I heard an uproar of laughter, then Haley comes running out the bedroom hollering for  Layni to come watch this video of when Layni was a toddler, playing with her kitty cat, Tiger!  I was curious so I went to watch too! Keep in mind that Layni is the youngest of this crazy bunch and from early on, she has been very quiet, well mannered, easily entertained and very sweet! I don't ever recall even seeing this video, so it was a surprise to me when I saw it today. What's funny about it to us, is the unexpected behavior that our sweet, mild mannered child  displays to her innocent poor little kitty! 
     As I sat and watched a few other home movies, I began to wonder where all the time has gone, which is all the more reason to enjoy the precious present!
    Hope you enjoy this little video snipit, and know that as a whole we don't encourage pet abuse, but keep in mind the kitty snipped at her finger hidden behind the plant!!  

Monday, July 20, 2009

Fun Work today!

Today Blair and I delivered and put together the bedding for a bedroom I was decorating. It came out really nice. My sister, Sheila did a fine job with  the sewing for the project.  The owner had opted not to paint the room, but I think it all came together quite well, with the neutral walls!  I often think about how sad it is when people have jobs that don't give them pleasure. I love all the work I do! And I know what a blessing it is when I am called to use the talents that God has given me! 
      I have included some before/after pictures. Bryan did a great job with the "after" photography. Thanks, Bryan! 

Today's Gratitude List!

I am grateful for:
The sleep I got last night.
The sun shining on the soybeans to my left, the sunflowers in front of me and the rice to my right.
Baby's smiles and the joy they bring.
My husband and children.
The comfortable temperature of this morning. 
The walk I just had and the time for prayer.
The doctors and nurses who God has placed in my life.
The friends and family who continue to support me and pray for me.
My sisters, even with our extreme differences and LIKENESSES!
The memories I have stored in my heart of my dad.
My mom.
Our BIG BLUE POOL... simple fun!
Birthdays... I love birthdays!
Pretty clothes.
My hair growing back, be it ever so weird!
Floating on a raft!
My flowers.
The sound of the birds as I type this list.
The two best jobs in the world.
Hugs, lots of hugs!
Cousins, Aunts and Uncles!
Faith...lots of it!
Zest for life! It has returned!
My patio, my favorite place to be.
The new bed I'm about to buy and the comfort it will give me!!
This day, the breath I breathe and the peace in my heart! 
God is good! 

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Sunflowers are starting to bloom!

     I love SUNFLOWERS! Every year Ricky plants a big batch of sunflowers in the field behind our house. Sometimes they do great and sometimes they don't grow at all. This year, they were delayed with the drought, but now that we have had rain, they are busting out all over! Within a few weeks there will be a field full of them! Ricky pretends that he does this just for me, but he reallly does it because it attracts doves to the fields just in time for hunting season! Meanwhile we are enjoying fresh picked flowers and soon we will have a picturesque backdrop for family photos! 
     Today the weather was so cooperative, a good lazy Sunday! Some good old rice and gravy and a chocolate/mocha cake! May it rest in peace!!! It was demolished. We broke out the little tikes swing and Audrey loved it. She took a couple of good naps in it! We'll have to find a second one soon so when Evie can sit up good enough they won't have to take turns! 
     Have had very little complications with the first week of being on the ARIMIDEX. Some restless nights/insomnia! Don't know if that is from the medicine or just me being crazy! I hope I begin to sleep better! Other than that I have been GREAT! Thank God! 
    Tomorrow I will be working on a decorating job, will post some before and afters. 
     Love to all!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Why spend $45 on ingredients for Fried Chicken?

Today we entertained some of our older children! I requested homemade fried chicken, to which Ricky replied, "Why do all that, when we can just go to Gabes and buy it already made  and cheaper?" But the memories we make are priceless when we cook together! Oh yeah, he was outside alone frying chicken under the garage in the heat! Oh well!! It tasted really good and everyone enjoyed it! Thanks Rick, ok, next time you can buy it all cooked! 
Audrey and Evie modeled their new cute little outfits.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The promise of the Rainbow after the storm!

As I consider this  storm in my life to  have settled, I am ready for the rainbows to show up. And they do, in small ways and big ways, each and every day! So when we finally received our much needed rain this week, it was delivered with the beautiful promise of the rainbow at the end! Ricky captured this picture of the rainbow, I got the one of the sun shining on the fields after the rain, and today Maddie found this nest of speckled eggs in one of the Crepe Myrtle trees. 

"Rainbows appear after mighty storms, when things look their worst. Just when the sky is darkest, out of heaven a rainbow appears. God 1st sent the rainbow to Noah, as a sign that his word is true.

The rainbows message still speaks to me and you. The rainbow is a sign of God’s promise, that he will guide us thru any storm. When you feel battered by life’s storms and you are filled with doubt. Just remember God’s rainbow is coming and He’ll be there for you." 

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Trusting this little pill!

     Well, tomorrow (Wednesday) I will start on my cancer prevention medicine. Ricky picked up the prescription of ARIMIDEX today and I was shocked to see how small the pill is. Yet it's value, considering it can prevent my  breast cancer from reoccurring,  is really big! A little while ago I put the bottle on my night stand and asked Ricky if he would remind me to take it in the morning ...  everyday,  for the next five years! Am praying for a great result, and no incidence of side effects.
     It was not my desire to have to depend on medicine to stay cancer free,  I would've rathered an holistic approach, but time and again, my doctors have explained the  nature of my cancer had nothing to do with supplements or diet. It was an estrogen driven cancer. And although there are no guarantees that this  works  for everyone, I certainly pray it works for me!  ARIMIDEX works by lowering the amount of the hormone estrogen in the body.

I am trusting in the knowledge of my doctor and with faith, believe that God is watching over me! 

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Making Happy Memories

     My house is a party house!! When we built it, as Ricky worked so hard night after night, doing lots of hands on work, each night after, he would come to our little rent house (where we lived between our old home and new)  and he would say, "Build it and they will come." He was right. "They" come! When I was a little girl, my grandma and grandpa lived out here in the country, and she loved company, she loved to cook and was always  prepared for company. It gave her endless joy and I was delighted when we spent time at the house on the farm! Many of my fondest memories are from times spent at their house. I now take delight in having a house on the farm  where people love to gather. 
     Last night was no exception. My sisters and I gave an engagement shower for my nephew, Billy and his lovely fiance,  Melissa. It was hot as all get out, but there is a magic that takes place when families gather out of love! Billy is the OLDEST of the grandchildren and has taken his time finding the love of his life, and although we didn't partake in literal 4th of July  fireworks, (for fear of burning all of the crops in the fields of drought) when Billy toasted his love to Melissa, there were definitely fireworks in their hearts and ours. I am so happy for Billy! He is blessed to have fallen in love with Melissa, an  obvious life changing relationship led by the hand of God! Now we can stop asking him "when will he ever get married", for the answer is November 20th! 
      The little kids love to come to Aunt Madelene's house and they played, played, played so hard last night. Donna overheard Bella proclaim, "THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY FUTURE"! Bella always cracks me up!
     It gives me such pleasure to have my family come and enjoy themselves at our home! Because when I look back over my experience with cancer treatment, what matters most to me is the surrounding love that carried me through. It is the same love that gets us all through life's challenges. Our earthly job is to love, continually over and over!  And even though we fail miserably at times, time and again we succeed. Last night we all succeeded, for love filled the air! THE very HOT air! Thank you Billy and Melissa, for giving us another great reason to have fun at the party house! Blanche, it's your turn now!
     Loving every minute of my precious existence!