It has been exactly a year since my breast cancer diagnosis. I still have a hard time fathoming that the surgeries and treatments took up almost the whole year. At this point I am focusing on what is at hand, each present moment. Well that is my desire anyway, yet there are days that my faith wanes and my imagination leads me astray. Although I am managing well physically, I am finding myself very fatigued, wondering if this is a result of the chemo still or if it is the Arimidex making me feel this way! I am having some pretty extreme joint pain which interferes with my mobility and I am feeling really frustrated about that. If the joint pain is in fact related to the medication and I have to take it for 5 years, then will I ache like this everyday for 5 years? And then when I am finished with the five year plan will my joints recuperate and will this pain go away? I guess there is no definite answer for that and maybe at my check up with the oncologist in a couple weeks I'll understand all this better. If this is as bad as it gets, then I am managing through it! It's not the best it could be but it beats having cancer! I look forward to meeting with my oncologist and my radiology oncologist later this month. I am ready to hear good news and get on with the good stuff. Meanwhile, each day, I make every effort to enjoy the wonderful moments that each day brings.
Today I enjoyed babysitting Evie all day. She was so sweet. And today Layni had her first volley ball game of the season. What a joy it will be to feel well enough to keep up with the kids activities this year, so much better than last year, when I had to miss so much! I am so grateful for that right now! So grateful!
Motherboard, I am so proud and happy that you've come so far in the past year! I love having my mom "back"....You were a real fighter and I admire your strength that you had and continue to have! Only better things are yet to come...speaking of better things-we can't let that joint pain get in the way of WEDDING DRESS SHOPPING!!! WOO-HOO!!! I love you
Or, not only dress shopping....what about you & dad's famous "Apple Bottom Jeans" dance routine!!!!Hope to see it again! LOL. Thanks for helping me roll bon bons! I love you also!!!
You are amazing! Always have been! Always will be!
Love you Love you
THanks for making me laugh today. I love you all so much... so much... so much!
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