So here we are at THE MICHAEL BUBLE CONCERT!! Blanche Boudreaux,( my daughter) Me, Kathy Reed, Cheryl Guidry, Brooke LeLeux, and Kristin Boudreaux(my daughter in law) So here's the story, first we went to Zea's to eat and it was so delicious. While we were eating I told the girls how I wanted "Mr. Buble" to know how much I loved his song "LOST" and how the words and melody were such a comfort to me during these last few weeks, so with Blanche's approval, (I didn't want to embarrass her) I wrote Michael a note and Brooke volunteered to figure a way to get it to him back stage. Then on to the concert. We older girls had 4th row seats and the young girls were up in the nosebleed section, so we all took a pic together down by our seats and while we were taking our picture this big guy jumps in with us to be in our picture and he has a name taggy thingy on, so we're thinkin he's like a sound guy or something. Turns out he's in the band! So we tell him of our plot to get the note to Michael and he says let me see what I can do. So I guess for the first time, having cancer worked out on my behalf!! Then he comes back and says to me "How about you give Michael the note yourself, here are 4 backstage passes to his after party, please join us!" Yes, you heard me, BACKSTAGE with Michael Buble'! Well if any one is up on their math you can count there were 6 of us and only 4 backstage passes, so my two sweet friends graciously bowed out and the young girls and I got the passes! So, our 4th row seats were so awesome, we were so close we could see the perspiration drops on his forehead... if he would've farted we would have smelled it! LOL He was ever so entertaining, certainly the best concert any of us had ever seen. The "after party" turns out to be a handpicked selection of "girls only" that get to visit backstage with the band, one criteria, NO PICTURES OR AUTOGRAPHS!!! So you'll just have to take my word for it that we really were backstage. We did get a few pictures in the corridor with some of the band and then got to shake Michael's hand and say hello. He was all freshly showered and in his t-shirt and as Blanche describes it, she didn't want to wash her hand for fear of washing away the lingering smell of his yummy cologne! All in all it was great fun, a wonderful distraction from the stresses of the last few weeks. When I finally pooped out, Blanche and Brooke returned to the after party til the band members loaded the bus. They had fun visiting with the guys and found out that the basic criteria for gettin a backstage pass is GOOD LOOKS... now I guess you could add breast cancer to that too! Oh what fun we had!!
"Well done, thou good and faithful servant.... enter thou into the joy of thy lord."
Matthew 25:21
Now I'm looking forward to Friday to our Toledo Bend Trip!
Oh what a night!?! That REALLY was the best concert!!! And not just because we met Michael.... well okay maybe so!! But anyway I was so glad to be able to experience that with you, Mom!!! I love you so much and you mean the WORLD to me!!
P.S. Mr. Buble's cologne smell on my hands is GONE! :( We gotta find out what he wears so I can make my next boyfriend wear it!!! ha ha
--Oh and don't ever give Brooke an idea and think she WON'T do it!!
You could not have described the night any better!! I had sooooooo much fun! I love you and I'm glad that I could experience the night with you too! Remember..you and Michael had a connection!! :)
-and be glad that we didn't snort! hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so glad that yall had a great time. Remember just making memories, is my moto. Have a great time this weekend. The tube will come out in due time and when it does, life will be so much better. Keep on smiling, life is short.
Love ya
Bridgette Ott
Leave it to you guys to get backstage passes...we do have beauties in Acadiana...Sounds like y'all did the nite in a Big Way. I don't know if your weekend could top that..or anything else for that matter, but go ahead and rock Toledo Bend!!! God is so good...
After I viewed the pics from the Michael Buble concert on Blanche's myspace page I just had to give her a hard time b/c there were no pics of yall with Michael. I accused her of telling a white lie - but of course I was just kidding!! I had a feeling yall were going to be able to meet him or something and that is awesome that yall did! I am glad you had a great time! I am very excited about this upcoming weekend with my cousins to jam out to the awesome yet very cheesy NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK! Love you so much!
love your fav niece
Hi this is the first time I write, but I want to tell you that I have been keeping up with your blog. Its the cutiest,sweetiest, blog ever. I was sad to hear that your having to go through this. I'm sad for you and your family. But I also know that God doesn't give someone something they cannot handle. I believe you will get through this and I pray for you and your family everyday!!
Congrats on your concert experience, you deserve it.
God Bless,
Crystal Judice
Please email if there is anything I can do for you and your family
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