I've been feeling great lately, thanks be to God. Last night Father Buddy came over and we all had a great visit. Father Buddy is a dear friend of our family. We don't see him as often as we would like but when we do it is always good! We shared some great food and wine, played with my wig and hat collection and had a deep talk about the effect the cancer has had on me as well as the rest of the family. It felt good to talk about the whirlwind we have been through and appreciate how close it has brought my family. I expressed that my usual response to most things lately is tears. Not really of anger or extreme sadness, although I do feel sad at times. But the tears have been about being "full"! Like the fullness of the HOLY SPIRIT. A full heart, overflowing with love, because so much has been given to me as a result of the breast cancer. I could never properly express how grateful I am to each person who has reached out to me, cooked for us, prayed for us, sent cards and letters. I am in AWE of God's bountiful love! That brings joy to my heart and that is why I cry. I am so blessed.
I still have my hair and have cut it extremely short in anticipation of shaving it before it falls out. In the picture above, I am wearing the wig that I got that seems most like my natural hair.
I'm guessing that it will begin to fall out any day now. I am preparing a HAIR slideshow for that "special" day! I am still holding true to my promise to my children to color it PINK before the last day. So for at least one day they will have a ROCK STAR mom!
"How we thank you Lord, your mighty miracles give proof that you care."
Psalm 75:1
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