Today I had an appointment with Dr. Joseph Brierre for my injection for my white blood count. He was a really good sport when I pulled out my camera and told him he'd be on my blog tonight. It is important for me to include the pictures because these are the special people God has placed in my path to help me along to restored health. Not only has he sent me competent, knowledgeable people, but they are good hearted, faith filled individuals who make me feel safe in their care. And for that I am grateful.
So as you can see in the picture, at first glance Dr. Brierre and Ricky do kinda look alike. In a few days when I'm as bald as the two of these guys, we'll take another picture!
"No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus."
1 Thess. 5:18
Oh my gosh!!! He REALLY does look like Dad!!!!!!!
He comes in search of, a God that awesome that doesn't wait for us but comes to seek us out and when finding us, carries us home on His shoulders...this was in my readings today and I thought of you and the times you may not feel well enough to come to Him, but He will be with you through it all carrying you when you feel you cannot go on....
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