Today was a good day! In one way I am sad, because I am so loving the technicians doing my treatment now at the radiation place in Lafayette! I will miss them (am still so glad to be finishing) I had switched over to Lafayette midway into my treatment and was very satisfied with the new Dr., clinic, treatment and nurses! Wish I had started there to begin with. Don't always know why things unfold as they do, am leaving that to the Man upstairs, trusting in his plan!
I am learning, day by day, to give up my need to control things! It works much better that way!
Even though my treatment plan comes to an end tomorrow, I will trust that you will continue to keep us in your prayers and pray that I be spared of a re-occurrence! My doctors will keep a close check on me with check ups about every 3-4 months!
So life changes drastically real soon and I am ready to embrace it full throttle!
Am looking forward to our beach vacation and will continue to post about my crazy life and my beautiful family. Be sure and check the blog this weekend to see how we celebrate the end of the road!!
Blanche and Matt took this super picture at the beach! And here is Evangelene rocking on the patio with Mimi!
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