About Me

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Rayne, Louisiana
You've got to be kidding me, I have Breast Cancer? My name is Madelene Boudreaux. I just had my 51st birthday and my present was cancer. Although it wasn't the present I was expecting, I have decided to embrace it as such. My life as it existed is changed. Even though my diagnosis is that I have the most common breast cancer you can have (80% of the women who get breast cancer have this one) and the actual tumor was only 1.2 centimeters and there was only a microscopic spec in one lymph node... things just changed overnight. I feel confident that I will be healed with all the surgery, chemo and radiation, as well as the prayers, the shift in lifestyle and health changes, all of this with God as my Healer overseeing the whole plan. Most importantly, sunsets are more beautiful, my children are more precious and I cry for everything. Such clarity prevails, where life was blurry. I know my healing will come gently through trusted medical professionals, faith in a loving God and prayerful friends. I am surrounded by love with my family of eight kids and a great husband and a community of kind spirits!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Today's Gratitude List!

I am grateful for:
The sleep I got last night.
The sun shining on the soybeans to my left, the sunflowers in front of me and the rice to my right.
Baby's smiles and the joy they bring.
My husband and children.
The comfortable temperature of this morning. 
The walk I just had and the time for prayer.
The doctors and nurses who God has placed in my life.
The friends and family who continue to support me and pray for me.
My sisters, even with our extreme differences and LIKENESSES!
The memories I have stored in my heart of my dad.
My mom.
Our BIG BLUE POOL... simple fun!
Birthdays... I love birthdays!
Pretty clothes.
My hair growing back, be it ever so weird!
Floating on a raft!
My flowers.
The sound of the birds as I type this list.
The two best jobs in the world.
Hugs, lots of hugs!
Cousins, Aunts and Uncles!
Faith...lots of it!
Zest for life! It has returned!
My patio, my favorite place to be.
The new bed I'm about to buy and the comfort it will give me!!
This day, the breath I breathe and the peace in my heart! 
God is good! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank God for sunflowers in July to make the heat more tolerable! This year's crop looks beautiful! Wish you could have been with us in Atlanta to meet more of Melissa's family at the shower this weekend. More happy times to make family memories await us this fall! Love, Angie