About Me

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Rayne, Louisiana
You've got to be kidding me, I have Breast Cancer? My name is Madelene Boudreaux. I just had my 51st birthday and my present was cancer. Although it wasn't the present I was expecting, I have decided to embrace it as such. My life as it existed is changed. Even though my diagnosis is that I have the most common breast cancer you can have (80% of the women who get breast cancer have this one) and the actual tumor was only 1.2 centimeters and there was only a microscopic spec in one lymph node... things just changed overnight. I feel confident that I will be healed with all the surgery, chemo and radiation, as well as the prayers, the shift in lifestyle and health changes, all of this with God as my Healer overseeing the whole plan. Most importantly, sunsets are more beautiful, my children are more precious and I cry for everything. Such clarity prevails, where life was blurry. I know my healing will come gently through trusted medical professionals, faith in a loving God and prayerful friends. I am surrounded by love with my family of eight kids and a great husband and a community of kind spirits!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The flu and chemo!

Okay, so maybe I should've taken the flu shot! I either have a really bad cold/sinus infection or the flu or bronchitis. Not fun when compounded by chemo! It would be safe to now call yesterday the WORST DAY EVER! Chills and fever all day. Chemo is tomorrow,  joy! joy! Have had to really cut back on work this week, I can't stand for very long! Cancelled all of today's appointments.   This too shall pass. So for now, everyone who has been saying let me know if you need anything... I need something. I guess a couple of good meals this week would be helpful. We have managed well lately, but I haven't rallied up this week and Rick is busy with the girls finishing up basketball season. Do you all know how humbling it was to write that? To actually face and admit that this week we can't seem to do it alone? Well, I am grateful for each of you that has offered  help so unselfishly! We are blessed. Thanks for listening and being there. 

"Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom" 
Prroverbs  11:2


Brooke said...

I hope you feel better!! love you!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that your not feeling great. I will try to do something for you and your family this week.

God Bless,
Crystal Judice

Anonymous said...

RCE to the rescue!! As soon as I get to school tomorrow we will put together a plan for the rest of the week!! I am so proud of you for asking...

Hope you feel better soon--Dawn

Anonymous said...

So sorry you are having a bad week. My prayers are always with you and your sweet family. I want to help you out. I talk to Dawn daily....(I take care of Nick) so I will hook up with RCE and I will be so happy to send anything that will comfort you and your family. Hang in there and keep up the faith! God Bless you, Mary Reed

Lila Lambert said...

"Put on the garment of praise to release the spirit of heaviness" part of my readings this morning from Isaiah 61:3....so good to see you looking so well the other evening...I would never have known you were ill...what a beautiful spirit you have. My prayers and thoughts are with you...

Robert Scholl said...

what a generous gift from you - giving those who love you an opportunity to contribute and have the experience of being a contribution!

yet, i hear ya loud and clear. thinking about asking for support from my community made me INSANE - so humbling. And, receiving the support was extraordinary.

good for you for asking for it!