March seems to always be transition month. And for the most part that is a great thing! My flowers are starting to bloom, I've (we've) cleaned out a few weeds.... but that dang spiritual garden is still full of pesky weeds! That soulful garden is the hardest one to keep blooming! Maybe if I would keep at it daily, instead of "Cram weeding"! That is why I love lent... Jesus hanging on the cross, constantly reminding me of His suffering! That he did ALL of that for me... and I think that giving up my coke fix, and going to a few extra masses could ever come close to being enough! For today I surrender to God all of my anxieties and concerns and thank Him for his love!
Today begins a harsh round of chemotherapy for a very good friend who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, and there is, yet, another close friend awaiting the results from her lumpectomy. I used to think.... those poor people who have cancer, like I was NEVER gonna be one of them, and yet today I pray for my newly diagnosed friends, (that makes 3 out of 10 in my own little intimate supper club!) Now I find myself thinking, "WHO NEXT?" Not so rare, after all! I ask God to give them strength to make it through the difficult days, and pray that they are surrounded by loving friends and family, as they are lifted in prayer!
Today is also Maddie and Haley's 16th birthday. Look at their precious little baby pictures! Wow, that really flew by fast! They are fast becoming, beautiful young women, with poise and maturity (well MOST of the time! lol). I am so proud of their choices and dedication to being true to themselves! I admire their trust in the fact that usually God has a BETTER plan! They teach me a lot!
Bryan and Kristin have found out that the baby on the way is a BOY! He is due on the Fourth of July! His name will be Jacques! Love that good old french name!
AND!!!!!!! It's almost CRUISE time! Next Thursday, I will be ON A BOAT with the love of my life, getting some well deserved CHILL time! No laundry, no dishes, no work, just pleasure! AHHH! Although I will miss my kids, one thing I learned from my mom and dad's travel adventures, is that they always came back, renewed and happier than when they left... and they always brought me a little surprise! And I always survived their absence! Which reminds me of how much I miss my Dad now! As I watch my mom fade away a little everyday, as she too, misses Daddy, I try to hold on to the blessings of having had great parents. I never understood the love of parents until I was one myself! Happy March EVERYONE! Pray harder and WEED your garden!
1 comment:
what a beautiful post! Have a wonderful time on the cruise, you and Ricky so derserve it! :)
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